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Setting up a LAN server

There are 4 steps for setting up a CS2KZ LAN server:

  1. Server setup: Setting up the actual server itself.
  2. Metamod setup: Installing and setting up Metamod: Source.
  3. KZ plugins: Adding essential plugins to make KZ work properly.
  4. Maps: Adding KZ maps to the server.


This guide is ONLY for Windows devices

Server setup

1. Preparation

  1. Create a folder called cs2kz_server on the drive you want the server to be on.

  2. Inside of cs2kz_server create another folder called steamcmd


Note that the folder which will be used for the server is REQUIRED to be on a drive with a least 35GB of free space!


The main folder (cs2k_server) can be named anything you want, the name given in this guide is to make the rest of the instructions more simple.

2. Installing SteamCMD

  1. Navigate to the SteamCMD Download Page.

  2. Under step [1] click the download link to download the zip file.

  3. Extract the contents of the zip file into the steamcmd folder.

3. Installing the server

  1. Locate SteamCMD.exe in the folder it was extracted to and run it. It will install all of the required Steam components.

  2. Once it's done, type login anonymous in the terminal that was opened and press enter.

  3. Next type in app_update 730 validate and press enter. This will begin the installation of the server and may take a very long time depending on your internet and drive speeds.


Do NOT close the terminal until it outputs Success! App '730' fully installed.!

4. Adding a Steam GSLT token

  1. Navigate to Steam GSLT tokens (log in with Steam if you aren't already).

  2. At the bottom under Create a new game server account set the App ID as 730 and click Create

  3. Keep this window open as we will need the token for the next step.

5. Running the server

  1. Navigate back to the cs2kz_server folder and create a new file called start.bat.

  2. Right click start.bat, click Edit, and add this text into it:

cd ".\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\bin\win64\"
start cs2.exe -dedicated +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount YOUR_TOKEN_HERE


Ensure that you replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your Steam GSLT token.

  1. You should now be able save the file, close the text editor, and run it by double-clicking on it. It should run a terminal. If you get a prompt to give CS2 access through your firewall, press yes.

6. Connecting to the server


You have to run your own game before running the server, otherwise it will not let you launch your game!

You can connect to the server by either:

  • Opening the in-game console and typing in connect localhost
  • Opening the in-game Community Server Browser and navigating to the LAN tab, and pressing connect on the server

Metamod setup

Installing Metamod: Source

  1. Open Metamod: Source (Dev 2.0x) Downloads and download the latest build for your operating system (Windows/Linux).

  2. You should have downloaded a zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Linux) file, extract it and move the whole addons folder into the \csgo\ folder of the server.


The \csgo\ folder can be found in:

\cs2kz_server\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\

If you have followed this guide exactly as explained.

  1. Open the file in a text editor (such as notepad), the file can be found in the same \csgo\ folder.

  2. Ignore any warnings about editing the file, and add the following to the top of the section with similar inputs and save the file:

Game    csgo/addons/metamod
When complete, the file should look like this:
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************

game            "Counter-Strike 2"
title           "Counter-Strike 2"

LayeredOnMod    csgo_imported

        Game_LowViolence    csgo_lv // Perfect World content override

        Game    csgo/addons/metamod
        Game    csgo
        Game    csgo_imported
        Game    csgo_core
        Game    core

        Mod     csgo
        Mod     csgo_imported
        Mod     csgo_core

KZ plugins

Installing the KZ plugin

  1. Open cs2kz-metamod releases and download the latest (pre-) release for your operating system.

  2. Extract the zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Linux), then drag the addons and cfg folders into the \csgo\ folder (The same folder used in the Metamod setup step).

Installing optional plugins

Jumpstat/Quake sounds support

  1. Open MultiAddonManager releases and download the latest release for your operating system (Windows/Linux).

  2. Extract the zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Linux), then drag the addons and cfg folders into the \csgo\ folder.

Database support

  1. Open SQLMM releases and download the latest release for your operating system (Windows/Linux).

  2. Extract the zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Linux), then drag the addons and cfg folders into the \csgo\ folder.

Language support

  1. Open GetClientCvarValue releases and download the latest release for your operating system (Windows/Linux).

  2. Extract the zip (Windows), then drag the addons and cfg folders into the \csgo\ folder.


  1. Open up Steam Workshop and look for a map or collection of maps

  2. Edit the start.bat (created in Server Setup) and add either +host_workshop_map or +host_workshop_collection command along with the ID of the map/collection to the 2nd row on the file. If you've followed this guide exactly as instructed it should look something like this:

cd ".\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\bin\win64\"
start cs2.exe -dedicated +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount GSLT_TOKEN +host_workshop_map MAP_ID
cd ".\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\bin\win64\"  
start cs2.exe -dedicated +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount GSLT_TOKEN +host_workshop_collection COLLECTION_ID

Replacing MAP_ID/COLLECTION_ID with the correct ID & GSLT_TOKEN with your token.


Although maps can be manually added into files, FastDL does not exist for CS2, so using Steam Workshop instead is recommended.


Currently the Steam Workshop doesn't require you to use an api key for CS2 maps, but this could change in the future.